Marla Williams Joins CHI Board

Apr 16, 2012 - Marla Williams, president and chief executive officer of Community First Foundation, has joined the board of directors of the Colorado Health Institute (CHI).

Williams joined Community First Foundation in November 2010 to serve as president and CEO. The foundation’s mission is to improve quality of life by increasing community generosity and involvement.

Formerly she was a partner with the law firm of Holme Roberts & Owen LLP, where she represented nonprofit clients in all aspects of their business.

The 10 Most Popular CHI Publications of 2011

Jan 10, 2012 - 2011 was a memorable year in Colorado’s health policy world. The state’s closely-watched health insurance benefits exchange took its first steps, the legislature wrestled with a greater demand for health care services even as the budget dwindled, and community-wide attention to healthier lifestyles took center stage.

From COHBE to CORHIO, from LiveWell to lessons learned, from Accountable Care Collaboratives to the All-Payer Claims Database,  health care policy proved to be one of Colorado’s hottest topics. 

New CHI analysis gives first look at need for primary care providers after health care reform

Dec 12, 2011 - A new analysis by the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) estimates that Colorado will need to add between 83 and 141 primary care providers – physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants – to care for the estimated 510,000 Coloradans who will become insured under federal health reform beginning in 2014.

CHI is answering, for the first time in Colorado, the question of how the influx of a half million newly insured residents between 2014 and 2016 will affect Colorado’s health care delivery system.

New CHI report examines innovative ways to provide long-term services and supports while containing costs

Dec 8, 2011 - By 2030, nearly one in five Coloradans will be age 65 and older – 1.3 million people. Most of them will need some form of long-term care because of a physical or mental disability or condition. And many will turn to Medicaid for help. How can Colorado ensure the best possible care for its older population while holding down spending?