A partnership between metro Denver public health agencies and CHI to help communities across the state become more breastfeeding friendly

The Advancing Breastfeeding in Colorado (ABC) project seeks to reduce health disparities and improve overall health across the state by creating a seamless system of breastfeeding support for parents and families at their jobs, in child care settings and medical offices, and in their communities.
The ABC team includes Boulder County Public Health; Public Health Institute at Denver Health; Jefferson County Public Health; Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas counties (formerly Tri-County Health Department); and the Colorado Health Institute, which provides evaluation and project management. The project’s partners, along with local coalitions and stakeholders, aim to help parents and families — especially those with less access to breastfeeding resources and lactation support at their jobs, in child care settings and medical offices, and in their communities. ABC is supported by a grant from the state’s Cancer, Cardiovascular and Chronic Pulmonary Disease (CCPD) Grants Program. Work began in July 2018 and will continue through June 2023.
ABC Project Priorities
- Reduce disparities in breastfeeding initiation and duration
- Create a seamless system of high-quality, culturally-competent lactation support and expand access to lactation professionals, especially for underserved populations
- Increase the number of breastfeeding-friendly environments by driving change in health care facilities, formal and informal child care environments, businesses, and public spaces
The overarching goal? A Colorado where all families have access to breastfeeding-friendly worksites, resources, and professionals that are effective and culturally responsive.
ABC’s multifaceted approach — working with multiple sectors and geographic partners, building coalitions, developing resource guides, providing continuing education, and growing public awareness — will yield beneficial policy and environmental changes.
Technical assistance is available to coalitions and community partners statewide. In addition, ABC offers limited "seed money" to partners outside the metro area and reimbursement for setting up lactation spaces to partners in the metro area.

Contact Nina Bastian, Program Manager, for general information about ABC. 720.382.7087
For county-specific information and requests, please reach out to the designated contact at your local public health agency:
- Expand for a list of contacts
- Boulder County Public Health:
- Heather Elkins, JD, IBCLC | Breastfeeding Environments Program Specialist | 303.413.7514 | helkins@bouldercounty.org
- Public Health Institute at Denver Health:
- Mandy Feeks | Breastfeeding Program Specialist | 303.602.4479 | Amanda.Feeks@dhha.org
- Jefferson County Public Health:
- Allison Wilson | Jeffco Coordinator | 303.239.7007 | awilson@jeffco.us
- Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas counties (formerly Tri-County Health Department):
- Sue Howk, RD | Breastfeeding Policy Specialist | 720.200.1509 | showk@tchd.org
- Boulder County Public Health:
Toolkits for Parents, Employers, and Medical Offices
Reports and Blog Posts
Three Year Comprehensive Report
Learn more about the successes of the Advancing Breastfeeding in Colorado.
ABC's Lessons Learned
Advancing Breastfeeding in Colorado goes far beyond National Breastfeeding Month.
Walking the Walk
CHI is proud to announce our office is a certified breastfeeding-friendly workplace — just in time for our baby boom.

Additional Information
- About the ABC Project
- Press Release: Innovative Breastfeeding Partnership Begins Work
- CCPD Spotlight on Regional Lactation Days
- CCPD Spotlight on Seed Money Awards
- Press Release: Businesses Statewide Can Now Seek Free Recognition as a Lactation Friendly Workplace
- Advancing Breastfeeding in Colorado FY19-23 Five-Year Comprehensive Report
ABC Partners